Wilson’s set of three strategically-designed curricula and their associated professional learning opportunities fit within both a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) framework. 

Wilson’s programs provide prevention-based general instruction and intervention support for students across three tiers of instruction. The integration of assessments within each evidence-based program allows Wilson programs to be used as a mechanism for identifying students in need of special education services in the area of reading and spelling.

The programs work together synergistically to ensure that all students become successful readers. Together, they cover the three tiers of instruction as follows:

  • Tier 1: Fundations (Grades K-3)
  • Tier 2: Fundations (Grades K-3) or Just Words (Grades 4-12 and adults)
  • Tier 3: Wilson Reading System (Grades 2-12 and adults)

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While the programs are designed to be implemented together as part of a school or district’s MTSS or RTI framework, each program is also designed to be an effective supplemental or intervention program when used independently of the other Wilson programs.

To support educator and student learning within an MTSS or RTI framework, Wilson offers extensive Professional Learning opportunities for teachers that support their clearly defined roles.